What is the Santa Spirit? It is the spirit of joy, generosity, and loving-kindness that Santa can bring. It is free and anyone and everyone can share it. The Santa Spirit can be found in real people like you and me. We don’t need to have someone from the North Pole to bring it; we already have it inside of us. All we have to do is tap into it and use it.
Why is the Santa Spirit important? Sharing joy and generosity makes us feel happier and more connected to others. The world needs more loving-kindness and joy right now. These are positive values to teach children and extend to each other.
Focusing on the Santa Spirit moves us away from a materialistic holiday. There is no need to buy a bunch of things, or expensive things, to discover what Santas across the ages and around the world have in common. Toys break, we eat up all the sweets, we outgrow clothes – but we always remember those moments of happiness when someone smiled at us and reminded us how special we are.
Santa Claus is standing at a fork in the road. Either Santa needs to be transformed to be an inclusive, wise, altruistic figure of loving-kindness for everyone that anyone can embrace, or he is going to be cast aside as irrelevant. If we recast him as the Santa Spirit that real people can share, then he can be seen as real – because LOVE IS REAL.
The Santa Series helps parents to avoid lying to their children about whether he is real and encourages them to discover the things we all have n common. The Santa Spirit embraces diversity and is inclusive as it empowers all of us with good hearts and respect for others to make the world a better place. This is a good present that we don’t have to wait for December to share – let’s start spreading it around today!